ABT Connection Coaching for Instructional Settings
(an education application)
In an effective professional learning system, school leaders learn from experts, mentors, and their peers about how to become true instructional leaders. They work with staff members to create the culture, structures, and dispositions for continuous professional learning and create pressure and support to help teachers continuously improve by better understanding students’ learning needs, making data-driven decisions regarding content and pedagogy, and assessing students’ learning within a framework of high expectations.
--Stephanie Hirsh, Executive Director National Staff Development Council
The ABT Positive Change Process paired with ABT Connection Coaching creates a stronger opportunity for teacher growth and development evident in the classroom. ABT Connection Coaching implements a positive data-driven growth model through individualized coaching experiences paired with systematic professional learning. This model is designed to empower teachers to engage in experiential strategies and tools, reflect on their personal beliefs and connections, and positively increase student outcomes.
ABT Connection Coaching focuses on application of acquired knowledge and skill, Opportunities to use content and skills that parallel or include each participant’s individual teaching situation and environment are provided within the experiential learning activities. Creating a cooperative and productive culture as a framework for embedding professional development into the teaching and learning culture is crucial to educator change of practice.
Our main goal is to support the initial principles of ABT in professional learning, to coach and consult the model into the classroom and school culture, in order to create change in professional outcomes, classroom management, and student achievement.
For more information or to have a customized complimentary consultation session, please contact us at: info@abtinaction.com.