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Our Network

ABT in Action is a strong team and network of talented consultants and coaches who bring a depth of experience, knowledge, and application of tools and strategies all leading toward a positive vision of change in thinking and living. The backgrounds, professional endeavors, and personal lives of our staff consultants, and leaders continue to reflect our unified belief in community-based efforts to reach global impact.


The ABT in Action team is under the leadership of Mrs. Lori L. Dixon, executive director and co-founder. We believe there are three reasons our work and our outreach:


  1. We believe in empowering the individual to become successful and excel in school, relationships, work, and life and it is that belief that all of our current programs, goals, and initiatives are grounded. This growing body of curriculum, workshops, keynotes, trainings, online materials, tools, and strategies is highly requested and positively evaluated by key influential in diverse fields as well as our participants.

  2. We believe in entrepreneurial development and leadership. By gaining a focus toward paving our future path in alignment with our strengths, talents, skills, and assets, we can lead a purposeful “asset-driven” life. This is evident in our coaching and consulting to bring forth the best of the individual, leverage their current assets to overcome and navigate the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

  3. The ABT psychology is a proven, research-based method that has been successful in Fortune 500 companies, hospitals, education, nonprofit, small business, leadership, and faith-based ventures. We have successful analyzed results in the most “at-risk” populations with outcomes of increase in self-concept, resiliency, optimism, and confidence. ABT has a proven track record of creating and supporting change in work and life and impacting individuals personally and professionally.


Our work is not just the work of one, but the work of many. We would be honored to work with your organization and share your body of resources with your own leadership and staff.

We have worked with the following populations to infuse ABT into their work and outreach to children, family, and youth:


  • Early childhood leaders, day care home providers, parents and directors of programs for young children;

  • Elementary, Middle, and High Schools;

  • Reading teachers and literacy coaches

  • Special education staff, those working with English language learners and bilingual programs, Title 1 staff, tutors, and alternative education staff, plus those serving  “at-risk” populations;

  • Juvenile Justice system with adjudicated youth integrating ABT with service learning;

  • Guidance counselors, therapists, and administrators;

  • Youth coaches and youth program leaders;

  • Nonprofit leaders and staff working in programs supporting children and youth leadership and empowerment;

  • Nonprofits serving teen parents, adoptive parents, and youth in challenging situations;

  • University students, faculty, and staff;

  • Faith-based schools and institutions serving Prek-12 and congregations:

We have worked extensively with the following entities. Each has gleaned informative data and increased outcomes for each client.
These are a few of our major projects and clients:
  • Lincoln-Way School District Chicago, IL

  • Butler University

  • Shortridge Middle and High Schools, Indianapolis, IND

  • Gervin Academies San Antonio, TX and Phoenix, AZ

  • PS 328, Brooklyn, NY

  • CS 211, Bronx, NY

  • East Ramapo School District Rocklin Co., NY

  • Juvenile Justice Services in Durango, CO

  • World Vision

  • Volunteer Center of North Texas

  • Odyssey School, Austin, TX

  • Tolleson HS District in AZ

  • Summer Institutes (national based company)

  • St. Edward’s Univ. Austin, TX

  • Loyola University Chicago, IL

  • Education is Freedom program and nonprofit in Dallas, TX, serving all DISD schools

We are proud to have the following as outstanding educational partners in our ABT Network:


  • Odyssey School, Austin, TX

  • Gervin Academy, San Antonio, TX

  • Lincolnway School District, Chicago, IL

  • Barat Academy, St. Louis, MO

  • Butler University, Indianapolis, IND

  • Hope Cottage, Dallas, TX

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